Objectives of the Trust

The Pomona Island Charitable Trust aims to restore the largest inland island in New Zealand to its natural state.

The specific objectives of the Trust are:


  • To eradicate all mammalian pest species from Pomona Island
  • To ensure a high quality of indigenous biodiversity on the island in terms of both flora and fauna
  • To reintroduce, through natural and assisted means, birdlife native to Fiordland within the Southwest New Zealand World Heritage Area
  • To provide a safe habitat for endangered and threatened birds to breed thereby increasing the populations of individual species
  • To monitor conservation activities and their impact on the island's biodiversity
  • To transfer the experiences learned on Pomona Island to other inland islands in Fiordland


Research and Education

  • To encourage research activities which enhance our knowledge and appreciation of restoration activities
  • To promote awareness among both local people and visitors of the indigenous biodiversity potential of the island
  • To provide an accessible location for people to see, hear and learn about the flora and fauna native to Fiordland

Community Involvement

  • To ensure community involvement in the island restoration project through informal consultation and volunteer activities
  • To promote the restoration of Pomona Island as a project for the local community to be proud of

Recreation and Tourism

  • To promote Pomona Island as a place for locals and tourists to visit and experience a part of Fiordland as it used to be
Pomona Island Trust Logo
Pomona Island graphic